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JoseWinn Center About - JoseWinn Center


JoseWinn Center History

The JoseWinn Center is a nonprofit organization run solely by volunteers. It is named in honor of Josephine Harris and Winnie Harris, grandmother and great grandmother of Patricia Harris who is a resident here in Carrollton.

Josephine and Winnie started out as sharecroppers in Lancaster, SC and later moved to Winston-Salem, NC in search of better opportunities. Their humble beginnings were a reminder that they should always help someone else.

Josephine and Winnie took their meager means to help people in the community and church. They did this by preparing numerous meals for the hungry, sharing home remedies, making lye soap, and taking in strangers. Growing up, Patricia was inspired to aid others by watching them and began to follow their example.

Today, Patricia along with friends and volunteers, want to assist the less fortunate of Carrollton. Our goal here at the JoseWinn Center is to provide nutritious meals along with educational and motivational support. We will work diligently to ensure self-sufficiency and encourage those receiving help to give back by serving in their communities. We will also keep the public informed of our needs and advocate for resources. Our doors will be open to those in need of these services.

The Founder of JoseWinn

Center Patricia “Pat” Harris was born and raised in Winston-Salem, NC. She attended Ephesus Jr. Academy and local public schools there, finally graduating from East Forsyth High. She holds two degrees in Elementary Education: a B.S. from Oakwood College (now University) and an M.A. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

At the age of 4, Patricia was stricken with Polio and added complications of bronchitis, tonsillitis, and the measles. This experience was detrimental, but helped her to develop a deep faith in the Lord. With the love of family and teachers, she was able to move forward to accomplish her goals in life. For 25 years Pat taught students in parochial and public schools from the U.S. Virgin Islands, Georgia, North Carolina, Missouri, and Florida.

Patricia has been a resident of Carrollton for 16 years. She is a member of the Georgia Retired Educators Association, is a part of the community action team for Ferst Readers of Carroll County, serves on the Board of Atlanta Post-Polio Association (APPA), and for 4 years was a pseudo-patient for Georgia Tech students pursuing their Masters in Prosthetics and Orthotics.

Following in the footsteps of Josephine and Winnie, Pat continues to serve in the community by volunteering, making financial donations, and providing meals for the homeless, sick, and those who have fallen on hard times. Patricia founded the JoseWinn Center in 2020 as a non-profit organization and plans to devote her time and efforts in making sure weekly services are available to adults and students. She believes every person in the community should be afforded the opportunity to be productive and successful members of society.

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